

I believe that unwrapping our spiritual gifts can be compared to my experience with my car, meaning that upon answering the irresistible call, we obtain or are gifted with God-given special abilities or with new ways of using our current abilities for the kingdom work of enriching the church or the body of believers. Much like the situation with buying a new car just before a pandemic, or as they say, “being all dressed up with no place to go”, we have this new thing that we can or is expected to do for God but the opportunity to unwrap the beautiful gift does not seem to present itself due to certain environments; due to certain situations; or simply due to the lack of knowing.



There are lots of books being written, classes offered, and videos made, that promise to teach us how to learn this skill or that; to get rich quick; or become an overnight sensation. And some of us who idealize the success of a person in one field or another, readily take the bait without giving much thought to our own WHAT. Sure, someone might make a thing look like a really cool thing to be or do, but I believe our WHAT (as in WHAT is my own purpose) should always be in the forefront of our minds when considering making important moves in our lives.


NOT WHERE YOU SIT OR STAND: A Church with Purpose

The suffering and loss of 2020 that is continuing into the early months of 2021, tossed us lemon, after lemon, after lemon. In fact, there were so many lemons that those who made a choice to be more optimistic, made so much lemonade that it was no longer practical to do so. We had to come up with other creative ways to interact with the excess bitterness, the feelings of hopelessness and the repressed and pent-up energy.


IN THE BEGINNING: Made on Purpose with Purpose

We are not here to argue the theory of Creation versus the theory of Evolution. I happen to believe it is true that both exist in their proper context. However, as a person of faith, I cannot help but celebrate what I believe. That is the fact that no matter how all life forms have evolved over time, the total package (meaning the universe, the sky, the land, and the seas) the total package was designed in such a way as to sustain life for many thousands of years.
